Tabor Academy Governance Profiles
The Loxford School Trust is an Academy Trust developed from Loxford School of Science and Technology. The Trustees have been selected to represent the interests of local communities and act as guardians of the educational aims of the Trust. The Trust also includes a board of Directors who hold the CEO and each academy committee to account.
Tabor Academy Governance Profiles
KELLYANN BROWN:I have been working for 15 years as a lead English teacher. I have worked in Newham, Redbridge, Havering and Essex in a variety of roles in leading teaching and learning. I feel very privileged to be part of the Loxford School Trust and I am delighted to be given the opportunity as Headteacher and look forward to leading the school on its new journey to excellence. GREGORY FORSTER:I have been teaching for 12 Years, of which the last 6 years have been as part of the senior leadership team. I started my teaching career at Loxford in 2012 and have been working within the trust since as a middle leader and assistant headteacher at Loxford followed by deputy at Tabor for 2 years. I am excited to have the opportunity to work as a headteacher within the trust and look forward to the exciting future the school has ahead. |
MATT GILESI studied at the old Tabor High School some years ago, and my 3 children now attend Tabor Academy. I run my own construction business locally, (although we operate nationwide) and have done so now for a number of years. I am a senior instructor at a local martial arts club, and I coach a local grass-roots football team. I believe I am able to make a valuable contribution to the Academy Committee. |
Helen GameI joined the governing body as I have children who currently attend the school - one in Year 10 and one in Year 7. I am an experienced educator, having worked as a teacher and leader for the last 18 years. I have held the position of Designated Safeguarding Lead for the past 2 years. My experience as Deputy Headteacher and Acting Headteacher within primary education will give me an insight into governing boards and using appropriate challenges to drive forward positive change. |
KAREN COLLOPI started at Tabor Academy in 2007 within the administration team and was promoted to Exams Officer shortly after. I found that I enjoyed working alongside the young people, and took up a pastoral role here in 2011. I am currently the Year Care Team Leader for Y9, with an additional responsibility of Mental Health lead which I find incredibly rewarding. I am honoured to be part of the Tabor community; supporting and watching students become the best that they can be. |