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Loxford School remains Outstanding

November 12th 2019

Dear Parents and Carers,

On 8th and 9th October 2019, Loxford School had an Ofsted No Formal Designation Inspection under section 8 of the Education Act 2005. We are proud to announce that the judgement of this inspection was that Loxford School remains outstanding. This represents a significant achievement for Loxford School and exemplifies the dedication of the staff and students. The full report will be available through the school and Ofsted websites from today. I have selected some quotes to highlight the key findings:

  • “Leaders and managers have taken effective action to maintain the high standards of behaviour and attitudes identified at the school’s previous inspection. Safeguarding arrangements are effective.”
  • “The Headteacher and the senior leadership team have very high expectations about how pupils should behave and how staff should manage pupils’ behaviour.”
  • “Pupils across the school work very hard in lessons and have high aspirations. They take pride in their work and show respect and courtesy towards each other and staff. Pupils socialise well together during break and lunchtimes.”
  • “Leaders are conscious of the large size of the school and the need to ensure the well-being of pupils.”

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support on our journey to maintain the high standards here.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. A. Johnson


Loxford School - Ofsted Report